We would love for you to be transparent about your affiliation with SafariNow. We take pride in our new relationship, and as general best practice encourage that you:

  1. Do tell your audience what your affiliation is with

  2. Do create a cobranded logo with us, which we can gladly add to your custom skin. For example, see

  3. Do be patient. Affiliate revenue will grow over time.

  4. Do focus on referrals and building your audience.


We like to use pretty source codes for tracking purposes in our links because we are quite particular about our data tracking. Besides, we want to make sure your codes are included in the links so you receive your commission. As such, we ask that you:

  1. Do not use any untagged links to in your promotional emails, pop ups and transitional pages, PDFs, or guides in any format.

  2. Do not deceive your audience into giving you a commission by using plugins or link shorteners to hide the length of the link itself.